PMS- my favorite topic
Vanessa Schiffelbine Vanessa Schiffelbine

PMS- my favorite topic

Believe it or not, PMS is one of my favorite things to talk about and no, it’s not because I am a masochist, although I have been researching ultra running lately so maybe I am, but that’s not why I like talk about PMS. I like talking about PMS and painful periods because I want to shout from the mountain top that PMS is NOT normal. Yes, PMS is incredibly common, most all women experience it at some point, but I have some great news: YOU DON’T HAVE TO KEEP LIVING WITH PMS. Yep, that’s right gals, read it again if ya need!

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New year, same me.
womens health, new year, productivity Vanessa Schiffelbine womens health, new year, productivity Vanessa Schiffelbine

New year, same me.

I am going to be honest with you; I started off the new year TIRED. The new year just so happened to fall at the end of my luteal phase just before menstruation was to begin for me. So, I knew there was a reason I felt tired and guess what? I LEANED into it, Gals. I went to bed early, I watched tv, I did restorative yoga, and meditated. I excused myself from the guilt of feeling like I needed to be extra productive.

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